September 29, 2009 19:32


Maricela Kauffman

Los poemas de Basilio Benjamins son un ejercicio multilingüe en el que se combinan versos en Ingles, Español y Rama para recrear la naturaleza y acuñar el concepto “tesoro” en el vocabulario Rama.




Niika bii, naing tiiskiba?
¿How are you feeling?

sounds of the animals/niiku ning kauni.
Sweets sound, lovely sounds,
Strange sounds, all kind of sounds far down the bush.
This the sounds of a treasure Language,
Language, Rama our treasure language.

¡Tiger lenguaje! Kruubu parnga, kruubu saala,
And kruubu all the way.
¡Ho how many are there!...
In Indian River- Indian sii arii taara,ai arii taara in suula  ipang ,
Find them, talk to them, kruubu language.

Ngulkang soup, rundown so nice,
Old kuirku, no one wants them so much.
Bleera saala- waukling and mista uling uling,
This ugly sound.
Ngaliis- paalpa- kuuli- ngarbing- saliuk and paalpa,
Also makes you some soft noise.

Ngaraak that lang tail maka, green yellow colors
Nguliik, nguliik, see that fly over the mountain, Green Mountain.
Butku the peaceful pigeon, sing us the posol is ready.

Roust raukrauk and muupi,
Dashing and samuu, rundown we cook them.
Famous tapuung- strange mere salpka…
More sounds you want, guaan, deap down the bush…

Basilio Benjamín Ruiz
Indígena Rama.
13 de mayo 2009.