

I. ?

1. plantain


1. bread,food,plant plantain
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Pranti ungi nsupauksu nsuaasiki. Yaltingka laap nsuungi. Kukunup arii kinsukai.
    We put plantain in the pot and we boil it. When it is cooked, we make the wabul. We put coconut milk in it.
  • Sii su naing praanti tangaangu nikuaakari.
    I have my plantain plantation in the river.


  • Etnográfica:
    A preferred breadkind to eat. Eaten green and ripe in coconut porridges both sweetened and unsweetened, in rondon, roasted (ripe), and less frequently fried (green). The latter is the common Mestizo form of preparation. As of 2008 not as prevalent due to disease, replaced largely by the "filipito" banana, which was introduced after the hurricane.
  • Gramatical:
    Borrowing from English (plantain).

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