
Mostrando 61 palabras para el campo semantico: insect

abung puupu uut

I. N

1. animal,insect grey honey bee
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Abung puupu yuut nupisba. Ngalaali pwatpa yuungi. Yirii ki kat aap su yuungi.
    The abung puupu bee is brown. It makes sweet honey. It makes it in the trees in the swamp.


abung puupu uut
fire puupu bug


  • Etnográfica:
    Everybody knows this one. Sometimes described as big grey bee and sometimes as big grey and brown.

    Todos la conocen. Algunas veces es descrita como una gran abeja gris y algunas veces como ceniza y café.
  • Léxica:
    Can also be 'abung puupu' alone.

alkaa uut

I. N

1. animal,insect sun ant


alkaa uut
sun bee
Sol abeja


I. N

1. animal,insect grass lice
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Nuunik taim ki, apsaut ngustak ngaara yaakar. sut yuktingka ngustak, maap yaapulki maap su. Itungutka yalkiini sut tiisi.
    In the dry season, there are lots of lice outside. When you sit down outside, they climb up on you. When they get on your body itch you feel.
    En la época seca, hay muchos piojos. Cuando uno se sienta afuera se le suben. Cuando se te meten en el cuerpo se siente picazón.


I. N

1. animal,insect kaksimbear ant
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Baalas tataara parnga. Ma yarngutka, yastaiki suaataiki sutiisi.
    The kaksimbear (ant) is very big and black. When it bit you it over pain (it hurt).
    La hormiga (kaksimbear) es muy grande y negra. Cuando te muerde, duele todo.

biip aing mumum

I. N

1. animal,insect cattle fly
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Mumum tataara. Nainguku biip aing mumum sut aungi. Aanamaa ma yarnguli.
    This fly is big. That's why we call it cattle fly. It bites you hard.
    Esta mosca es grande. Por eso es que la llamamos mosca del ganado. Pica duro.


biip aing mumum
cow of fly


  • Léxica:
    Probable neologism. Also called 'mumum tataara'.


I. N

1. animal,insect cockroach
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kaakrus nguu psutki aakar. Yaadar sukaaka, psutki yalptangi. Aamliika imaali tahtah tingka.
    The cockroach lives in the house. When we put something down, it gets in it. It smells bad when we mash it.
    La cucaracha vive en la casa. Cuando bajamos algo, se mete adentro. Huele mal cuando la aplastamos.


  • Gramatical:
    Borowing from English (cockcroach).


I. N

1. animal,insect tick
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kais suulaik bii aakar. suulaik mtraatka, kais ma aaplukatkulu. Yalkiini ma tiisi.
    The ticks live only in the bush. When you walk in the bush, the ticks bite you all over. You feel it itch.
    La garrapata solo vive en el monte. Cuando uno camina en el monte, las garrapatas te muerden por todas partes. Se siente picazón.



I. N

1. animal,insect blinky worms (Kr)



  • Etnográfica:
    It is half worm and half fly. It crawls like a worm and if flies. The belly lights up.

kangali ngalaa uut

I. N

1. animal,insect sour honey bee , [ESP] Miel amarga
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kalngalauut, ngalaali uut supkaaba, kangali ngalaa uut.
    sour honey bee


I. N

1. animal,insect blanket lice



  • Etnográfica:
    Called 'chings' in Kriol

kauling aing kuung

I. N

1. animal,health,insect people lice , [ESP] Piojo
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kauling aing kuung sukwaakitka, taimka angka yalamskwi. Yupsi mliikaba spaayaka yalamskwi, barka ning taim suaataiki kuung aing yupsi, angka supaayai.
    People lice when we get it sometimes it can't go away. When we buy sweet grease then it goes away, but now it is too expensive, the grease for lice, we can't buy it.
    Cuando la gente tiene piojos a veces no se los puede quitar. Cuando tenemos con que compramos grasa dulce (vaselina?), pero ahora es muy cara, no la podemos comprar.


kauling aing kuung
person of lice


I. N

1. animal,insect red ant , [ESP] Hormiga roja


Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kulkulu paapu bii barka saala.
    The kulkulu is an ant too but it is red.
    La kulkulu también es una hormiga pero es roja.


  • Gramatical:
    Reduplication? common in animal names.

kungkung uut

I. N

1. animal,insect termite
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kungkung uut nguu salkuki kutkabisang.
    We hear that the wood lice nest is a round one.
    Nosotros oímos que el nido del piojo de la madera (termita) es redondo.


kungkung uut
crested guan bug


  • Etnográfica:
    Traditionally you burn wood lice nests in your house after a person has died in order to get rid of the scent of death, particularly a death by snake bite. This protects the children from the spirit of the dead person. May also be burned in general to help keep bugs out of the house with the smoke, often burned together with iibo shells for this purpose

kungkung uut pluuma

I. N

1. animal,insect white wood lice , [ESP] Termita, hormiga blanca
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kungkung uut pluuma siksik angka kwsi. Imalngi, ikuleeruk ki yaa yarnguli. Kat psutki bii yaakiri, kat ikwisatkulu.
    The white wood lice, the chicks can't eat it. He kill it, he bite it in the throat. It live only in the wood, eat up all the wood.
    Al piojo blanco de la madera no se lo comen las gallinas, les muerde la garganta. Solo vive en la madera, se come toda la madera.


kungkung uut pluuma
crested guan bug white


I. N

1. animal,insect house fly , [ESP] Mosca comun
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kuukuk yaadar su alpulki. Nainguku kalma pang u tkwakama yaadara.
    The kunkas fly/go on anything ('pitch' on anything = perch). That's why we have to cover the things with a piece of cloth.
    La “kunkas” se posa en cualquier cosa. Por eso tenemos que cubrir las cosas con una tela.


I. N

1. animal,insect lice
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kauling aing kuung sukwaakitka, taimka angka yalamskwi. Yupsi mliikaba spaayaka yalamskwi, barka ning taim suaataiki kuung aing yupsi, angka supaayai.
    People lice when we get it sometimes it can't go away. When we buy sweet grease then it goes away, but now it is too expensive, the grease for lice, we can't buy it.
    Cuando la gente tiene piojos a veces no se los puede quitar. Cuando tenemos con que compramos grasa dulce (vaselina?), pero ahora es muy cara, no la podemos comprar.


  • Etnográfica:
    People spend time picking lice out of each other's hair. They use kerosene to kill them.


I. N

1. animal,health,insect butterfly
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kwaakak kukat aakwaals yaungai, stanangkama.
    The butterfly wings look pretty to look at



  • Etnográfica:
    Butterflies are bad omens. Seen as causing illness with fever. Old people say that the migrating butterflies go to Turtle Bogue in Costa Rica where they suck turtle blood.
    There is a month when migrating butterflies go through Bluefields lagoon by the millions. Other time when the swampwood trees are covered with butterflies.
  • Léxica:
    Generic for butterflies. No other known names for butterflies.


I. N

1. animal,insect cricket


  • Etnográfica:
    Grasshoppers and crickets seem to exist as two different categories to most, but many seem to call the ones that "sing in the night" grasshoppers, and the ones that are out in the day crickets. This is said by some to be a small dark cricket that does not sing.
  • Gramatical:
    Reduplication common in animal names.
  • Léxica:
    Walter prefers "ngalingkat maikmaik," which he says in the same insect as "walsa aing aras," literally, "the Devil's horse," but does not know why it is so named.


I. N

1. animal,insect big black ant


  • Etnográfica:
    The bite of this ant does not hurt.


I. N

1. animal,insect moony
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Mauli maarch tukan ki ngaraak inganaak traali. Yuup an inguuk ngarkali awas isii, inganaak traali susungi.
    The firefly in the month of march it flies plenty. Its eyes and belly underneath blaze like light, so we see it flying.



  • Etnográfica:
    A beetle which when flies in the evening appears to have two fluorescent green "headlights." Children like to catch them and put them in a basket made especially for them, or in a jar. On Rama Cay they call them 'muni bugs'. To be distinguished from "kamsiik," lightning bugs


I. N

1. animal,insect unidentified beetle , [ESP] Escarabajo (sin indentificar)
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Miirummiirum uuli aing uut. Yuut isii. Yaap yuuk ngalma ikuaakar.
    The miirummiirum is a bug for the turtle. The body is like a bug. Its body has a hard shell.
    Es un insecto de las tortugas. El cuerpo es como el de un insecto. Tiene una concha dura.


  • Etnográfica:
    Sings in the late evening May-June, "turtle time" as this is historically one of the months to go turtling as it is when they come ashore to lay. As of 2009, a commercial veda
    has been in place during the laying season, though indigenous communites are allowed to harvest for food.
  • Gramatical:
    Reduplication common to many animal names.
  • Léxica:
    Also called "uuli uut," lierally, "turtle bug." "Miirummiirum" represents the sound it makes.


I. N

1. animal,insect mosquito
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Miuk kaanu taaki kiyaakar. Taimka nguu ki kiikik yarnguli. Taimka suulaik sutraatka, ngaarak yarnguli.
    The mosquito lives every where. Sometimes in the house at night it bites. Sometimes when we walk in the bush, it bites us plenty.
    El mosquito vive en todas partes. A veces, en la casa, pica de noche. A veces, cuando andamos en el monte, nos pican muchisimo.



I. N

1. animal,insect fly
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Mumum tataara. Nainguku biip aing mumum sut aungi. Aanamaa ma yarnguli.
    This fly is big. That's why we call it cattle fly. It bites you hard.
    Esta mosca es grande. Por eso es que la llamamos mosca del ganado. Pica duro.


  • Gramatical:
    Reduplication common to animal names.

mumum tataara

I. N

1. animal,insect cattle fly
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Mumum tataara. Nainguku biip aing mumum sut aungi. Aanamaa ma yarnguli.
    This fly is big. That's why we call it cattle fly. It bites you hard.
    Esta mosca es grande. Por eso es que la llamamos mosca del ganado. Pica duro.


  • Léxica:
    Also called 'biip aing mumum'


I. N

1. animal,insect sugar bee


I. N

1. animal,insect nansi spider


  • Etnográfica:
    A type of spider and a character in traditional Kriol folk story also told by Ramas. Nansi is the Kriol name borrowed by the Ramas


I. N

1. animal,body,insect beeswax , [ESP] Cera de abejas
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Ngalaaliis maliima sauk ariira yuanangaiskama.
    The wax is good to tie the fishing line with it.


ngalaali is
honey wax


  • Etnográfica:
    Used traditionally in the fabrication of hunting and fishing instruments, used like a glue.

ngalaali uut

I. N

1. animal,insect honey bee
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Ngalaali tran kat aap su nsut sungi. Ngalaali uut sabii nganaksu tauki itran aap su.
    We see the honey pipe (hive) on the tree. The bees fly straight and get in through the pipe.

ngalingkat maikmaik

I. N

1. animal,insect praying mantis , [ESP] Mantis religiosa


ngalingkat maikmaik
rubbing rock cricket


  • Gramatical:
    'maikmaik' alone means 'grasshopper'.


I. N

1. animal,insect cricket
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Ngisngis tkua aatkukiba. sumsuma. Kiikik yaaksi.
    The cricket leg is not short. It's very long. It sings in the night.

2. animal,insect grasshopper



  • Etnográfica:
    Many do not seem to distinguish between grasshoppers and crickets, but those who do, often refer to the ones that "sing in the night" as grasshoppers.
  • Gramatical:
    Reduplication common in animal names.
  • Léxica:
    See "maikmaik."


I. N

1. animal,insect cricket , [ESP] Grillo
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Nisnis kalka up su kalnik baakar.
    The cricket is standing on the leaf.
    El grillo esta parado en la hoja.



  • Gramatical:
  • Léxica:


I. N

1. animal,insect flea , [ESP] Pulga
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Paak tausung aing kuung. Paak ngaara tingka, angka mkamii kiikik. Aamliika kalma psutki.
    The flea is the dog louse. When they get plenty you cannot sleep in the night. It feel bad in your dress.
    La pulga es el piojo de los perros. Cuando tienen muchas no pueden dormir en la noche. Se siente mal en tu ropa.


  • Etnográfica:
    As of 2008, fleas have greatly increased in number in some communities due to the increased number of dogs, and some also say because of the increased number of hogs. One remedy, if you have a board floor, is to mash up soursop leaves and spread them over the floor to "run" the fleas.
  • Gramatical:
    Sometimes with strongly aspirated initial p (IB).


I. N

2. animal,insect small black ant , [ESP] Hormiga negra pequena
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Paapu kaanuk taaki aakar. Paapu tiiskiba parnga. Mkaat su yalplukatkutka, yarnguli.
    The ant lives everywhere. It is small and black. When it climb all over on your foot it bite.
    La hormiga vive en todas partes. Es pequeña y negra. Cuando se te sube a los pies te pica.
  • Paapu yubusuk kwsi.
    The ants eat the sprouts.


  • Etnográfica:
    Also called sugar ants because they get into the sugar.
  • Léxica:
    Used as a generic name for ants.


I. N

1. animal,insect rain ant
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Paas parparnga. Sii aataikka, antraali.
    The rain ants are very black. When the rains pass, they walk about.


  • Etnográfica:
    There are a lot of them after it rains.


I. N

1. animal,insect small black ant
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Prunkikis manais isii susungi seem. Parnga barka uruk su tiiskama.
    This ant looks like a manais ant (to us). It is black too but smaller.
    Esta hormiga se parece a la hormiga mania (para nosotros). Es negra tambien pero pequeña.

pruun uut

I. N

1. animal,insect trumpet ant


pruun uut
trumpet tree bug


  • Etnográfica:
    Called this way because they climb on the trumpet tree.

saliuk aing mumuum nuknuknga

I. N

1. animal,insect unidentified fly


  • Etnográfica:
    One of two flies slightly smaller than a housefly which fly singly and bite. They don't make noise, so the victim is often unaware of their presence until bitten, and it hurts.

saliuk aing mumuum patparnga

I. N

2. animal,insect unidentified fly


  • Etnográfica:
    One of two flies slightly smaller that a house fly which fly singly and bite. They don't make noise, so the victim is often unaware of their presence until bitten, and it hurts.


I. N

1. animal,insect sandfly , [CNT. ESP] Familia Phlebotomus
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Sarsari aataara. suaataiki yarngutka, angka yumuukit. Untas ki yaakar.
    The sand fly is small. When it over bit you you kayan stand it. It lives on the beach.
    La mosca de arena es pequena. Cuando te pica por todas partes no lo puedes soportar. Vive en la playa.


  • Etnográfica:
    They drive you crazy. If you get out of your dory on the beach at Hone Sound you are eaten alive by these sandflies.
  • Gramatical:
    Paitial reduplication.
  • Léxica:
    See also 'tartara' for sand fly.


I. N

1. animal,insect unidentified black biting fly


  • Etnográfica:
    A black fly with a mean bite that looks like a black version of the yellow guana fly. Both are a litle smaller than a house fly.

sii uumut

I. N

1. animal,insect smelling wasp
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Sii uumut ingiit puksak ikuaakar yaap su, parnga nuknuknga. sii su kat aap su inguu iparki.
    This wasp has two lines on the body, black and yellow. It builds its nest on the river on the tree.

sii uut

I. N

1. animal,insect army ants , [ESP] Hormiga guerrera, marabunta
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Sii uut nupisba yarnguli.
    The marching ants are brown.
    Estas hormigas son de color cafe.


I. N

1. animal,insect striker mosquito
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Sinsinma seem miuk isii, barka pluuma, isiik suma ikuaakar. Ma yarngutka ma ngulsyuungi kaabi.
    The striker mosquito is like a mosquito fly but it is white and it has long teeth. When they bite you, they bore you, it feels like.


  • Gramatical:
    Reduplication common to animals. Has a variant 'sinsinma' surely due to nasal influence.


I. N

1. animal,insect cicada


  • Etnográfica:
    Called 'head and tail light bug' in Kriol.


I. N

1. animal,insect small yellow bee
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Susungula yuut tiiskiba nuknuknga yuut. Yirii yungka, pwaatpa.
    This bee is a little yellow bee. When it makes its juice (honey), it is sweet.


I. N

1. animal,insect black wasp
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Taimyang uumut barka parnga. Nisataaki uumut aakar. Taimka untas ki susungi, lakuun aik susungi. Taimka kukunup aap su inguu iparki.
    This kind of wasp is a wasp but black. There are all kinds of wasps. Sometines we see it on the beach or we see it on the lagoon. Sometimes it build its nest on the coconut tree.

2. animal,insect wasp

taimyang nuknuknga

I. N

1. animal,insect yellow wasp


taimyang nuknuknga
black wasp yellow


I. N

1. animal,insect needle case/dragonfly , [ESP] Libelula
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Tangsuuru yaap suma. Ikukat pluuma aa pamama ngasngaasang.
    The needle case body is long. Its wings are white and is not thick but is thin thin.
    El cuerpo de la libelula es largo. Sus alas son blancas y no son gruesas sino bien delgadas.


  • Etnográfica:
    Said to be good luck when they fly in your house. As of 2009 noted that there are not as many around as previously, at least by Rama Cay residents. Not used for fishing.
  • Léxica:
    Also tangsiiru


I. N

1. animal,insect sand fly , [ESP] Mosca de arena
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Turturu tartara.
    little black sand fly/river fly
    Mosca de arena pequena y negra.


  • Etnográfica:
    River sandfly, smaller than sarsari, the "regular" sandfly. It's a little black fly that bites and leaves a drop of blood on our skin.
  • Léxica:
    Tartara from Walter/Nora. Turturu the Cane Creek pronunciation.

tauli uut

I. N

1. animal,insect ship worm


  • Etnográfica:
    Salt water worms that eat boats.
    Some people call the boys from Cane Creek 'sea weebles' because they are extremely adept seamen and fishermen in the sea, as well as expert turtle strikers.
  • Léxica:
    Also said 'tauli aing uut'.

tausung aing kuung

I. N

1. animal,insect dog lice , [ESP] Pulga
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Paak tausung aing kuung. Paak ngaara tingka, angka mkamii kiikik. Aamliika kalma psutki.
    The flea is the dog louse. When they get plenty you cannot sleep in the night. It feel bad in your dress.
    La pulga es el piojo de los perros. Cuando tienen muchas no pueden dormir en la noche. Se siente mal en tu ropa.


tausung aing kuung
dog of lice


I. N

1. animal,insect leafcutter ant , [ESP] Zompopo
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Tiktik paapu bii barka saala. Tiktik kalka kaa ingatik traali. Yaing kaanu ki yaapauki.
    The wiwi is an ant too but it is red. It go cut leaves about. It put it in its nest.
    La wiwi (el zompopo) es tambien una hormiga pero es roja. Va a cortar las hojas. Alli hace su nido.


  • Etnográfica:
    They worry about this wiwi ant destroying their food crops.
  • Gramatical:
    Reduplication common in animal names.

ulinguling aing ngalaali

I. N

1. animal,insect baboon honey bee


  • Léxica:
    Could also be for the honey produced by those bees. Could be short form 'ulinguling', or 'ulinguling aing ngalaali' for the honey or the bee, or the full form'ulinguling aing ngalaali uut' (baboon honey bee).

usru aing kuung

I. N

1. animal,insect fowl lice , [ESP] Piojo de las aves, acaros
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Usru ngaarak sukwaakitka, usru aing kuung traali. Kiikik sukaikungka, sutiisi itraali maap su.
    When we have lots of fowl, we feel the fowl lice walk. In the night when we lay down, we feel it walk on out body.
    Cuando nosotros tenemos muchas aves sentimos los piojos de las aves caminar. En la noche los sentimos caminar sobre el cuerpo.


usru aing kuung
of lice

uuli aing uut

I. N

1. animal,insect turtle bug
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Miirummiirum uuli aing uut. Yuut isii. Yaap yuuk ngalma ikuaakar.
    The miirummiirum is a bug for the turtle. The body is like a bug. Its body has a hard shell.
    Es un insecto de las tortugas. El cuerpo es como el de un insecto. Tiene una concha dura.


  • Etnográfica:
    These are 'turtle weevil' (like little worms).
  • Gramatical:
    Other name for beetle because of its likeness with turtle shell.
  • Léxica:
    See also 'miirummiirum'

uuli kukaut

I. N

1. animal,insect unidentified


  • Etnográfica:
    A big long bug that hollers i the late afternoon and night like a small motor saw. Hollers when turtle time is coming.
  • Léxica:
    Alternative form given as uuli uut; both acceptable.


I. N

1. animal,insect wasp , [ESP] avispa

2. animal,insect small black wasp


  • Gramatical:
    Used as generic name for wasps.

uumut nuknuknga

I. N

1. animal,insect big yellow wasp , [ESP] Avispa amarilla grande
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Uumut nuknuknga kiangkiangkat tupki, naingi aakituing.
    The yellow wasp it is under the kiangkiang tree (small bush) that it stays.


I. N

1. animal,insect bug

2. animal,insect bee , [ESP] abeja


  • Gramatical:
    Source of many compound expressions.
  • Léxica:
    Homonymy with 'uut' (dory).
    Generic for bugs, insects. See 'kungkung uut' (wood lice), 'ngalaali uut' (honey bee), 'pruun uut' (trumpet ant), 'sii uut' (marching ant, 'tauli uut' (shipworm).


I. N

1. animal,insect swamp honey bee
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Wakaira yuut yirii ki aakituing bii.
    The swamp honey bee is a bee that lives only in the swamp.


  • Léxica:
    Also 'wapaira' and wapaira uut'.
    See "wokaira."


I. N

1. animal,food,insect unidentified bee


  • Etnográfica:
    A kind of bee that makes sweet honey and has its hive in a tree trunk or log. You cut the honey in May.