
Mostrando 4 palabras para el campo semantico: whit

bleera aing urnga

I. N

1. food,plant,whit unidentified whit


  • Etnográfica:
    This is a whit that grows high up. The seed is yellow outside. People eat it, too because it has syrup inside.

kwaaka uup pronunciación

I. N

1. health,plant,whit unidentified


  • Etnográfica:
    A large brown seed used as a purge and as one ingredient of bush medicine for a snake that lives high up. For a purge, you peel off the skin, scrape the meat into little pieces, roll them up and swallow them like pills.

ngulkang aing urmut

I. N

1. plant,whit unidentified vine


  • Etnográfica:
    A big-leaved vine that grows on trees and logs. The "string" part of the vine is used to tie up things.