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kraana ngarngaringba

I. N

1. animal,food,hunting,reptile green baselisk




  • Etnográfica:
    Green baselisk, as contrasted with the brown baselisk. Some people hunt them and eat them.


I. N

1. animal,shellfish crab, land crab, sea crab
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Krais tkii ipangi nguri yungi psutki tauki naingi yaakiri.
    The crab digs the earth. It makes hole, gets in the hole, that's where it stays.



  • Etnográfica:
    For most, a smallish variety of land crab which digs holes in the dirt. Not eaten.
  • Léxica:
    Also "karais." For some, generic for a number of crabs still differentiated by many. See also 'karang', 'takayak' and 'wairu,' soodya, suulup kabungkabung, untas aing krais.

krais aap biibing

I. N

1. animal naked crab
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Krais aap biibing ikwiima uuk arisba yaapika itauki.
    The naked crab, when he finds the next partner shell he gets into it.


  • Etnográfica:
    A crab that has recently shed (molted) its shell. A soft shell crab then.
  • Léxica:
    See also 'krais siktakba' and 'soodya.'

krais ngarngaringba

I. N

1. animal,food,shellfish blue crab
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Krais ngringringma, krais pluuma, krais saala, krais pangsak, seem isabii anaakri. Sut kuuka, sut kwsi.
    The blue crab, the white crab, the red crab, these three crabs are the same kind. When we catch them we eat them.


krais ngarngaringma
crab, land crab, sea crab


  • Etnográfica:
    This crab makes holes in the dirt.

krais pluuma

I. N

1. animal,shellfish white crab


krais pluuma
crab, land crab, sea crab white


  • Etnográfica:
    This crab lives in swamps.

krais saala

I. N

1. animal,shellfish red crab


krais saala
crab, land crab, sea crab red


  • Etnográfica:
    This crab lives on sea islands.

krais siktakba

I. N

1. animal,shellfish hermit crab


krais siktakba
crab, land crab, sea crab naked


  • Léxica:
    See also 'krais aap biibing' and 'soodya.'

krais uuk kat pronunciación

I. N

1. plant crab shell tree
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Krais uuk kat yuup krais isii yaltangi. Nsut aar angtki siirka baing.
    the seeds of the crab shell tree look like crabs. We no cut it because it is too soft.

krangkang airi

I. N

1. cooking,food iguana egg soup


  • Etnográfica:
    Krangkang is iguana egg soup. An iguana may lay 50 -60 eggs, and it depends on how much krangkan you want to make how many eggs you use. To make it, you put water on to boil, and while it is heating, you bore a hole in each egg and pour the contents into a calabash. When the water is hot, you stir the eggs into it and add onion, gourd pepper, whatever condiments you prefer. This is a thick soup.
  • Léxica:
    Also just krangkang, krangkan airi

kraungi pronunciación

I. N

1. animal,fish,food jack , [ESP] Jurel
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kraungi tataara aakar paitkriima aakar. Kraungi alngaangka, duaalin aalali tangaik.
    The jackfish there are big ones and small ones. When the jackfish float, the stingray play on its back.


  • Investigadores Comunitarios:
    If you dream of him (the jack), he makes you get up from your bed and walk around as if you have seen someone to talk with. He also makes you fall out of your bed. The Ramas say that when the water is fresh, you shouldn’t catch jack, because if you do, the water will quickly turn salty. Jack is caught and sold both in Bluefields and on Rama Cay. If you catch small ones, you give them to people for free. You can dry jack by putting large pieces of it on sticks over a low fire, and then you can sell it as smoked jack. You eat it with cassava or dasheen.

    Si sueñas con él te hace levantarte de la cama y caminar alrededor como si has visto alguien con quien hablar. También te hace caer de la cama. Dicen los Ramas que cuando el agua está dulce no se deben capturar porque el agua pronto se convierte en agua salada. Se pesca y vende en el mercado o entre la misma comunidad; si es pequeño, se regala. Se seca a baja temperatura sobre el fuego, se ahuma apoyado en dos palitos y se vende como carne de kruangi ahumada. Se come con yuca cocida o malanga.
  • Etnográfica:
    Usually an ocean fish; sometimes in the lagoon. there are a number of different species of jack. For the big "true jack," "krauni," many people don't eat the head because they say it makes you crazy (like you will dream anything, such as about the seven-headed man (?).
    Pez marino pero algunas veces también se encuentra en la laguna. Hay varias especies de Jurel. Del grande, “el verdadero jurel,” mucha gente no come la cabeza porque dicen que enloquece (como soñar con el hombre de siete cabezas o el hombre sin cabeza).
  • Léxica:
    Also krauni. Miskitu kraui.
    También krauni. Miskitu kraui.

krauni pronunciación

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  • Léxica:
    See kraungi


I. N

1. animal,bird crane


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I. N

1. animal,bird seagull, tern
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Krikam sinsak pluuma. Isiik taik saala. Kabiis ikwsi. Uut tangaik inganaaki.
    The seagull is a white bird. The side of his bill is red. He eats shrimps. He follows the boat.
    La gaviota es un ave blanca. Los lados del pico son rojos. Come camarones. Sigue a los barcos.



  • Etnográfica:
    Any of a number of gulls and terns that can be seen swooping down over the lagoon or sea to snatch shrimps and small fish.
  • Gramatical:
    Borrowing from Miskitu.



1. big


  • Gramatical:
    Has a variant 'kurk'. Both are equivalent.

krus pronunciación

I. N

1. artef.,plant coal


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1. fuzzy


  • Etnográfica:
    For Black people hair.
  • Gramatical:
    From 'krus' (coal) reduplicated. With a noun, the derived form is used : 'kruskrusba'.



1. body,percep. fuzzy


  • Etnográfica:
    For Black people hair.
  • Gramatical:


I. N

1. animal,mammal jaguar
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kruubu siik tataara kunkunbi kuaakari, yungarngutkama.
    The tiger has four big teeth to bite with.
    El tigre cuatro colmillos (dientes) grandes para morder con ellos.


  • Etnográfica:
    Difficult to tell which cat is being referred to at times: jaguar, ocelot, puma, margay, or others. Not known how much they are recognized as different species, how much is due to use of kruubu vs. Rama auma, and how much is influenced by Rama stories. All the big cats central to their collective history and identity. Previously much more of a physical danger than now due to overhunting and habitat destruction. Previously a greater source of income (hides).
  • Léxica:
    Borrowed from Miskitu. See auma.

kruubu aing suulup

I. N

1. plant prickly vine, unidentified


  • Etnográfica:
    This is a prickly, bushy swamp vine especially prevalent around Wiring Cay lagoon and river. The stem is lined with sharp curved thorns that look like cat nails, and whether green and leafy or dead and leafless, they are dangerously sharp, and people in dories, and even moreso in motorboats, must be vigilant as they will not only grab onto you and tangle you up, but they will also leave nasty lacerations. Especially bad during flood times.
  • Léxica:
    Sp. "rang gallo."

kruubu nuknuknga

I. N

1. animal,mammal mountain lion
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kruubu nuknuknga yaap aakuaala. Tausung isungka imalngi.
    The mountain lion, his body is pretty . When he sees a dog he kills it.


kruubu nuknuknga
jaguar yellow

kruubu parnga

I. N

1. animal,mammal black jaguar
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kruubu parnga kuleeruk pluuma. Pas taim yupyuwa kruubu uuk anaap ki sukai. Suulaik yuitraali kruubu isii yaltanangi. Kruubu aingwa aa angwai niis kauling.
    Black tiger with white throat. Old time people put on this tiger skin on their body. They walk in the bush with it. They look like a tiger. The real tiger never know that he is people.



kruubu parnga
jaguar black

kruubu saala

I. N

1. animal,mammal redish jaguar


kruubu saala
jaguar red

kruubu siksiknga

I. N

1. animal,mammal speckled jaguar
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Kruubu siksiknga imaaruk puksakba, nuknuknga an parnga.
    The speckled tiger, he is two colored, yellow and black.
    El gato montés es moteado, es de dos colores, amarillo y negro.


kruubu siksiknga
jaguar speckled


  • Etnográfica:
    They distinguish jaguars bv color of their hide. This is the standard speckled pattern.
  • Léxica:
    "Kruubu" is borrowed from Miskito, and can refer to several different wild cats, adding color or size adjectives to differentiate them, or the word "aingwa" to indicate the big speckled jaguar. ("aingwa" is used to denote the genuine big one, "the real one" of a category. The original Rama word is probably "auma."

Kruubu Taasup

I. N

. toponomy Tiger Hill , [ESP] Colina del Tigre


  • Etnográfica:
    Nombre del mojon 008 sur, Tiger Hill


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  • Gramatical:
    Variant of 'kuu' (take) in rapid speech.


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  • Gramatical:
    Variant form of 'kwaakar'. Has its own variant 'kuaakit' when suffixed with subordinator.


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I. N

1. animal,bird common pauraque


  • Etnográfica:
    This bird can be seen and heard flying around low in the night, landing on the ground. Like many birds, its name is onomatopoetic. Unlike some birds, especially some of the night fliers, this is not generally seen as a bad omen.
  • Léxica: